Celebrations honoring a deceased person’s life are common in many cultures. It is necessary to be informed of the local customs and traditions associated with these events in order to properly honor the departed and their loved ones.
Here are some tips for proper etiquettes at a funeral:
Avoid any cause of inconvenience
Put your best foot forward in terms of decorum. As much as the funeral is a time for mourning and reflection, it is also an opportunity to honor the departed person’s memory. Avoid doing anything that can cause inconvenience or distress to the family.
Dress appropriately
Dressing appropriately for the occasion is essential at a funeral. It’s best to dress formally if you’re not sure what to wear.
Show up on time.
Timeliness is essential for the funeral service because of respect for the deceased’s family and the other attendees. If you can’t get it right at the beginning, at least get there as close as you can.
Put your phone down.
At the request of the family, please silence or switch off your cell phone throughout the service out of respect for the other attendees.
Be more attentive than talkative.
It is not appropriate to catch up with friends or tell personal stories during a funeral. Rather, sit back, think, and listen to the eulogies and speeches being given in honor of the deceased.
Do your best to help.
As a whole, the funeral is a trying experience. Don’t be shy about comforting someone who appears to need a hug or a shoulder to weep on.
Keep kids in mind.
Be sure to give youngsters an age-appropriate explanation of the funeral service if they will be attending. Make sure they are not too stressed out by the circumstance and that their needs are being met.
Donate some money.
Donations to charity in memory of the deceased are welcome. What a wonderful way to remember them and give comfort to those going through what they went through.
Offer condolences
In the days following a funeral, it is usual to express condolences to the bereaved family with a written tribute. Email, SMS, and social media are all viable options for this.
Attend the service
You should go to the funeral, but you shouldn’t put any pressure on yourself to stay till the end. It is appropriate to leave the service after the eulogy or speeches if you do not feel up to remaining for the full thing. Check out the best funeral services in Singapore for a perfect send off to your loved one.